International standards of observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the activities of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine




law, police, security, service, duties, protection


The article is devoted to the study of compliance with international standards of human and citizen rights and freedoms by law enforcement agencies and their officials. For this purpose, an analysis of foreign legal acts, in particular, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, ratified by Ukraine, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, domestic legislation and scientific opinions, was carried out. It was emphasized that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines international standards for observing the rights and freedoms of citizens and is directly related to the activities of law enforcement agencies. It is emphasized that the implementation of the constituent function requires law enforcement agencies to ensure compliance with the rights and freedoms of citizens during the performance of their daily tasks. In order to clarify the regulatory support in the field of observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, special legislative acts regulating the activities of: the National Police, the Security Service, the State Border Guard Service, the State Criminal Enforcement Service, the Bureau of Economic Security, the State Guard, the Military Law and Order Service were analyzed, of the State Bureau of Investigation, which the author attributes to the law enforcement agencies of the state. It was established that the legislative acts regulating the activities of the Security Service, the Bureau of Economic Security, the State Guard, the Military Service of Law and Order, the State Bureau of Investigation, prescribe only fragmentary observance of human rights and freedoms by the employees of these bodies and services in the performance of their official duties, which is a shortcoming of the specified normative acts, and as a result, negatively affects the activities of law enforcement agencies in their relations with citizens, compliance by officials with international standards of law enforcement activities, which establish the rules and principles of correct and appropriate behavior of law enforcement officers during the performance of their official duties, defined by normative legal acts duties, including under martial law. However, despite the martial law regime, ensuring the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens by law enforcement agencies, along with other functions, should become one of the main tasks of these agencies.


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