Legal basis and international standards for ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons by local government bodies




international standards, rights and freedoms, an internally displaced person, security, international law, local self-government bodies


The article is devoted to researching the legal foundations and international standards of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons by local self-government bodies. The article draws attention to the fact that the relevance of the study of international legislation regarding the status of internally displaced persons is determined by the degree of analysis of international legal acts related to the protection of internally displaced persons and the procedure for their reception and accommodation by local self-government bodies, as well as the identification of interesting positions on the determination of the status of internally displaced persons persons in some foreign countries with the possibility of their introduction into national legislative practice. It is concluded that due to the rapid spread of forced internal displacement around the world, the million number of internally displaced persons in Ukraine, the need to create a single international document, for example, the UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons, is ripe. Attention is drawn to the fact that Ukraine can initiate the creation of such a document, since it is at the center of problems related to mass internal displacement of persons and is actively considering ways to solve them, including the creation of a special legislative framework and the provision of legal and social guarantees. The article emphasizes that in order to effectively solve these issues, it is necessary to hold joint discussions with the participation of international organizations and state authorities, local self-governments and public organizations of Ukraine, which are involved in this process. Decisions related to the improvement of the legal regulation of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons should be made taking into account international standards for the protection of human rights and norms of international humanitarian law, as well as taking into account the national experience and the experience of other countries regarding the activities of local authorities in this sphere.


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