Administrative-legal support for the protection of citizens personal data: contemporary theoretical approaches


  • Volodymyr Pashynskyi Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Alina Tsomenko PhD student at the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine



public administration, personal data of citizens, administrative and legal support for personal data protection, structure of administrative and legal support for personal data protection


The article is devoted to the issues of modern understanding of the concept, essence and content of administrative and legal support for the protection of personal data of citizens. In this aspect, the author emphasizes the growing need to form an appropriate level of protection of an individual from information threats of the modern world and to form administrative and legal support for the protection of personal data of citizens.

The methodological basis of the study. The selected issue is approached using a systematic methodology, which incorporates dialectical, formal-logical,   and   structural-functional methods, in addition to other standard scientific research techniques. Furthermore, specific legal methods, such as formal-logical, systematic-functional, comparative analysis, methods of legal interpretation, and legal forecasting, are employed. The study is grounded in the theory of cognition, with a particular emphasis on materialist dialectics as its overarching method. General scientific research methods used include formal-logical and systematic approaches.

Results. The author emphasizes that legal protection of personal data by the authorities is based on legislation and regulations governing the rights and obligations of the authorities with respect to personal data processing. It is emphasized that these rules may include requirements for data registration, confidentiality, notification of an individual about the collection and use of his or her personal data, and establishment of liability for violation of data protection rules. The concept of personal data protection by the authorities includes the adoption of appropriate legal measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of these data.

Conclusions. The administrative and legal support for the protection of citizens’ personal data takes place within the activities of government authorities as an element of their service function. The concept of administrative and legal support for the protection of citizens’ personal data is defined as the regulated administrative and legal activities of entities responsible for ensuring the protection of personal data, primarily the activities of public administration subjects, aimed at administrative and legal regulation, implementation, protection, and safeguarding of public relations in the field of personal data. It guarantees the rights and legitimate interests of all subjects of legal relations, focusing on creating the necessary conditions for compliance with legislation on personal data protection. It is emphasized that administrative support is the activity of public authorities manifested in legal regulation, application, and protection of the rights, freedoms, and interests of citizens.


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