Legal basis for ensuring and financing national security of Ukraine in the light of international experience




financial legal relations, budgetary legal relations, budget expenditures, national security, national security system, financing of national security and defense


Ensuring national security is one of the most pressing issues at the current stage of state-building which needs to be addressed, and the issue of proper financing of the national security and defense sector is one of the priorities. The article examines the legal framework for financing the national security system of Ukraine, and characterizes different views of scholars on the interpretation of the concepts of “national security system”, “system of ensuring national security”, “financing” and “budget expenditures”. It is substantiated that national security is one of the main factors of stable development of the State, since it ensures sustainable development of society, timely detection, prevention and neutralization of real and potential threats to national interests. It is determined that the main task for Ukraine today is to ensure national security, which will contribute to reforming of all spheres of state and public activity. It is important to ensure that the content of transformations in this area is related to the preservation and strengthening of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. In addition, financial and budgetary legal relations should become more focused on ensuring effective financing of the national security and defense sector suffering from the consequences of war. The article summarizes the experience of foreign countries in the field of ensuring and financing national security. The author substantiates the need to apply international experience, taking into account Ukrainian realities, in ensuring and financing national security.


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