Legislative prerequisites for the introduction of an integrity check in the National Police of Ukraine





integrity, integrity check, integrity testing, corruption, officials and officials of state authorities, National Police


The article, based on the analysis of international and national normative acts, examines the stages of implementation of the institution of checking the integrity of officials and officials of state authorities as one of the means of preventing and countering corruption. The legislative aspects of the integrity check in law enforcement agencies and the prerequisites for the introduction of this check in the National Police of Ukraine are considered.

It was determined that in recent years the institution of integrity checks has become quite widespread in Ukraine, but there is no law on conducting integrity checks of public officials, as well as a legal definition of the term “integrity”, which leads to a legal challenge to the negative results of this check. It is proposed to settle this issue by developing and adopting a relevant law with a clear definition of the main concepts, in order to avoid legal conflicts in the future.

The author also emphasized that this check should be carried out to a wider range of public officials, including police officers, as a law enforcement body that in its activities is endowed with powerful powers, significant administrative resources and the right to use coercion, which can affect corruption risks in activities of the National Police. At the same time, such an inspection should not violate the rights of police officers and should be carried out in accordance with the approved procedure.

The prospect of further research is the implementation of integrity checks in the National Police of Ukraine as an effective means of preventing and countering corruption.


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