Administrative justice in Ukraine: basic principles and peculiarities of implementation in Ukraine under martial law


  • Oksana Bratasyuk PhD in Law, Associate Professor of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial law West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil), Visiting Researcher of Osnabrueck University, Germany , Ukraine



administrative proceedings, administrative process, public law disputes, administrative jurisdiction, martial law


The author defines the essence and features of administrative justice as a legal institution. Emphasizes the importance of administrative proceedings in Ukraine and its distinction from other types of proceedings. It is emphasized that the main value in the activity of judges in Ukraine is the person, because the most important thing is that everyone can exercise their constitutional right to an independent and fair court to protect basic rights, freedoms and interests. Courts of administrative jurisdiction are bodies that are called to ensure the protection of human rights in interaction with the state, as well as to control the legality of the exercise of the powers granted to them by state authorities and officials. In the author’s opinion, a court that makes high- quality decisions within a reasonable time, which are implemented, is effective. Under these conditions, we can talk about the reality of the protection of human rights and freedoms in the state, and therefore it is through the implementation of decisions that we can assess their quality.

Despite the war with Russia, the difficult economic and energy situation, Ukraine still took several qualitatively new steps that will help people better protect their rights in public and legal relations and are aimed at the effectiveness of administrative justice as a whole.


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