Foreign experience in the regulating of administrative legal functions of the prosecution service


  • Dmytro Pavlenko Post Graduate Student (081 «Law» PhD), Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Faculty of Law, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



prosecution, functions of the prosecution, powers of the prosecution, subject of power, law enforcement body


The aim of the work is to summarize the international experience in regulating the administrative legal functions of the prosecutor’s office and identify which positive foreign experience Ukraine should utilize in the context of improving the legal regulation of the implementation of administrative functions by prosecutorial bodies. The methodological basis of the study consists of the comparative legal method, which was used in the study of international experience and the experience of foreign countries regarding the organization and functioning of the prosecutor’s office and its administrative functions. Additionally, the formal-legal method was employed to identify gaps and contradictions in relevant legal acts and formulate proposals for its improvement in the context of foreign country experience. The research is also underpinned by the dialectical method, applied to determine approaches to studying the improvement of the structure of administrative functions of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine by considering the study of the composition of administrative functions of prosecutor’s offices in other countries. The abstract summarizes the foreign experience in regulating the administrative legal functions of the prosecution service. It explores international practices and their relevance to enhancing legal frameworks for prosecutorial bodies. The focus is on improving decision-making procedures, personnel processes, and accountability measures, drawing insights from various jurisdictions to inform potential reforms in Ukraine. The results of the research represent a generalization of positive foreign experience that Ukraine should leverage in the context of improving the legal regulation of the implementation of administrative functions by prosecutorial bodies in several directions. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of improvement of the procedure for adopting and implementing managerial decisions, improvement of personnel procedures in the activities of prosecutorial bodies in Ukraine, improvement of the procedure for holding employees of prosecutorial bodies accountable.


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