Analysis of terminology for identifying the risks of ensuring security and sustainability of critical information infrastructure in Ukraine




critical infrastructure, critical information infrastructure, danger, threat, risk, sustainability, problem, crisis


The article is devoted to the definition of the concept of risk in the context of ensuring safety and sustainability of critical information infrastructure in Ukraine. It has been specified that, in general, the risks, which may arise and affect critical information infrastructure objects of Ukraine, are a highly specialized subject matter of research searches. Therefore, there is no clear identification of the term «risk» in the context of the proposed public relations at the scientific level. It has been emphasized that the legislative doctrine also does not define its content and essence.

The general theoretical and legal definition of the term «risk» has been analyzed. An attempt to differentiate its characteristics as a distinct legal phenomenon from related legal categories has been made.

It has been summarized that the category of risk in the context of ensuring safety and sustainability of critical information infrastructure in Ukraine is a is a form of manifestation of danger caused by the presence of phenomena, factors, circumstances, events, etc., which can potentially have negative consequences on the course of public relations, functionality of objects or specific legally protected interests in this sphere. In addition, we have clarified that the category of threat should also be understood as a form of manifestation of danger, which is due to the presence of phenomena, factors, circumstances, events, etc., but only those that will damage safety and sustainability of critical information infrastructure in Ukraine in the future (in particular, if it is not neutralized, it will become a risk).

It has been summarized that to ensure that potential risks in the field of critical information infrastructure protection do not become an actual problem, the State, in formulating its policy in this area, should clearly define, i.e. establish at the legislative level what is a risk to critical infrastructure in general and for information one – in particular. This is necessary to develop clear methodologies for monitoring and forecasting certain risks in the future to avoid their negative effects.


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