Climate Policy of Ukraine in the context of the European Green Course: theoretical and legal aspect




climate, climate change, climate policy of Ukraine, European Green Course, legal regulation in the field of climate change, public administration in the field of climate change


The article examines the climate policy of Ukraine in the context of the European Green Course and the specified problems of legal regulation and public administration in the specified area. It is noted that climate change has become one of the global problems of today. It was found that in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the EU states are implementing the use of renewable energy sources aimed at carbon neutrality. It has been studied that the European Green Deal defines the climate policy of the EU and is a set of measures aimed at transforming Europe into a climate-neutral continent. Overcoming the consequences of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving regulatory and legal regulation on reducing carbon emissions are among the main directions of the implementation of the EEC. It has been analyzed that Ukraine has significant problems in the field of atmospheric air pollution and climate change, which have significantly worsened in connection with the war started by the Russian Federation. It has been investigated that the climate policy of Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the European Green Course. It has been proven that the European Green Course creates new opportunities for Ukraine, which will ensure the development and competitiveness of the national economy and contribute to the improvement of the climate. It was emphasized that the improvement of the climate policy of Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the provisions of the European Green Course will be facilitated by the improvement of legal regulation and public administration in the field of climate change. The necessity of supplementing the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine with provisions on improving the climate and its protection has been established. It was noted that one of the essential directions of Ukraine’s climate policy is the improvement of public administration in the field of combating climate change. Conclusions were made regarding the need to implement the provisions of the European Green Course into the climate policy of Ukraine. It is noted that the improvement of the legal regulation of the prevention of change of Klamath and public administration in the specified area will contribute to the improvement of the climate in Ukraine and approximation to European standards.


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