Administrative and legal measures to overcome threats to energy security of Ukraine in the oil and gas sector


  • Andrii Tsybka Postgraduate student of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Service and Medical Law, Ukraine



energy security, martial law, administrative provision of energy security, fuel crisis, oil and gas industry


Under martial law conditions in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, the oil and gas sector has faced unprecedented threats to energy security. This article aims to comprehensively analyze the state’s administrative and legal measures in overcoming threats in the oil and gas industry during martial law, focusing on the fuel and gas sectors.

The study employs various methods, including formal legal analysis of regulatory legal acts, the formal and dogmatic method to deduce the content of legal regulation for energy security in the oil and gas sector, and the systematic method to examine specific administrative and legal measures within the broader framework of Ukraine’s energy security.

The study delves into the administrative and legal measures implemented by Ukraine to address threats in the fuel and gas sectors. In the fuel sector, measures include simplifying bureaucratic procedures, prioritizing fuel imports from the EU, altering pricing mechanisms, and tax relief. The gas sector involves legislative changes, moratoriums on pricing and tariff increases, funding allocations, export bans, and the involvement of large energy companies.

Since martial law’s introduction, Ukraine applied diverse administrative and legal measures to enhance energy security in the oil and gas sector. The effectiveness of these measures requires a comprehensive approach, considering potential negative consequences. Strengthening the role of energy entities and aligning antimonopoly legislation with consumer protection is crucial. Timely legislation addressing the energy sector functioning under extraordinary circumstances is recommended for proactive threat response. Finally, the paper highlights the need for sustainable development criteria, emphasizing efficient energy resource use and the integration of renewable energy sources.


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