The place of the administrative policy of Ukraine in the system for ensuring effective functioning of power structures




administrative policy of Ukraine, national governance, public administration, administrative functionality, internal management, governance powers


It has been clarified that the State as an integral mechanism exists due to the implementation of its tasks and functions by the system of institutional formations, but it is still unclear how these institutions should ensure administrative functionality of the State, that is, its ability to effectively and efficiently perform its tasks and functions. Therefore, the author tried to draw the attention of the researchers to the problem of Lack of scientific understanding of the content and substance of administrative policies of Ukraine, highlighting its place in the effective functioning of power structures. General scientific, general philosophical, logical, special legal and the methods of scientific knowledge, which cumulatively provided an opportunity to present the results of the research in a comprehensive manner, have been applied during the research. In particular, the necessity to form a system of procedural regulation that will enable each representative of the State to predict in advance the potential consequences of their decisions from different angles, has been stressed. It has been established that Ukraine has been interested in forming appropriate economic and social management mechanisms to address economic and social processes from the standpoint of the executive segment, without emphasizing the need for a comprehensive system to regulate these processes. According to the results of the analysis of the administrative functionality of Ukraine, it has been stated that nowadays there is no clear procedural set of rules for the good governance of public and social affairs. It has been suggested that in the context of the State’s activities regarding the resolution of its internal power processes and distribution of influence on social development, the category «national governance», which represents an integrated approach to the State management that takes into account all its components and relationships, should be used. It has been clarified that if national governance is considered as a set of rules, procedures and practices related to the powers of the authorities, then administrative policy is a tool for defining, regulating and introducing these elements into the internal management system.


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