Principles of activity of law enforcement bodies




theory, practice, legislation, international standards, administrative law, relations, society


Based on the research of scientific opinions, the new administrative-legal doctrine, the analysis of domestic and international legislation, the article examines the key fundamentals of administrative-legal support for the activities of law enforcement agencies. Considering the fact that domestic law enforcement agencies and their officials have constant relations with citizens in their activities, it is emphasized that modern principles of administrative law should play an important role in these relations, which is the purpose of the work. The methodological basis of the work is the provisions of the modern theory of scientific knowledge of legal and social phenomena. In the course of writing the article, general philosophical, general scientific, logical and special legal methods of scientific knowledge were used. The main international principles and standards that determine the content of the activities of law enforcement agencies in international agreements ratified by Ukraine are highlighted. Based on the analysis of the legislation, the modern principles of the National Police, as one of the leading law enforcement agencies of the state, are considered. An important place is given to the characteristics of foreign legal acts aimed at ensuring and protecting the rights of citizens by law enforcement officials. For this purpose, international legal acts, which are one of the main sources of legal regulation of relations arising in the activities of law enforcement agencies, were analyzed. They establish the norms and principles of behavior of an official of a law enforcement agency for the performance of professional activities in relations with citizens and the rules of conduct binding on them in specific conditions of law enforcement activity. The need to introduce special principles of administrative law into the activities of law enforcement agencies is substantiated. On this basis, the following special principles have been researched, substantiated in detail and recommended: the principle of ensuring trust; the principle of ensuring human rights; the principle of providing access to information technologies; the principle of ensuring the confidentiality of information. These principles correspond to the domestic administrative-legal doctrine, international standards and principles, legal relations of officials of law enforcement agencies, which can be an important direction of the new administrative-legal doctrine of law- enforcement agencies.


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