Features of strategic planning of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine


  • S. R. Karpenko Doctoral student of the Department Public and Private Law University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine




administrative regulation, state regulation, public-private partnership, space industry, space activity, state policy, strategic planning, participant of public-private partnership


The article made a comprehensive analysis of the state policy on public-private partnership in the space sector of Ukraine and developed appropriate proposals for the relevant applicable regulations. The methodological basis of the article was the comparative method, which allowed to reveal of the most effective approaches to the characteristics of the state policy with a public-private partnership in the space industry of Ukraine, as well as system-structural, structural and functional methods, the method of climbing from abstract to specific. The result of the study of various aspects of the chosen topic was the formulation of the definition of state policy on public- private partnership in the space sector of Ukraine, which is proposed to be perceived as the activity of public administration entities, which is a system of goals, functions, functions and principles, formed and assigned to the legislative level which are adhered to by these subjects when solving the tasks of promoting the further development of the institution of public-private partnership in the space sector of Ukraine, and their practical work to fulfil the task of achieving certain goals. The practical consequences of the performed study are that the means of state policy on public-private partnership in the space sector of Ukraine becomes a very important tool for the implementation of state policy. The weight of the conclusions made in the study of the state with a public-private partnership in the space branch of Ukraine is a means by which an orderly public society in the form of developed public activity must be correlated objectively conditioned by socio-political needs and national interests. Ensuring the sustainable development of public-private partnership in the space sector and its existing spiritual and material opportunities, subjective wishes and goals of the rule of social strata with those real historical conditions, which determine the main tasks and directions of activity of the state with the problems of ensuring this goal. It is concluded that the implementation of this policy of the state is entrusted to the system of executive bodies. It is proved that solving the problem of differentiation of the competence of the executive authorities and the development of appropriate proposals is impossible without improving the administrative and legal status of data of the bodies.


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