Udicial bodies as subjects of the protection of the rights of citizens of Ukraine to a safe environment for life and health in Ukraine: administrative and legal aspect


  • Uliana Kostiuk Graduate student of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Educational-Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine




judicial bodies, environment safe for life and health, human rights, protection of human rights, legal responsibility, judicial control


The article analyzes the human right to an environment safe for life and health, the administrative and legal status of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health, modern tools of the activity of judicial bodies as subjects of rights protection citizens in this area.

The aim of the work is to investigate the current state and directions for improving the effectiveness of judicial bodies as subjects of administrative and legal protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health.

The methodological basis of the study includes general scientific and special research methods, in particular the method of system analysis, structural-functional, formal-legal and others.

The article emphasizes that the complex and extensive system of judicial bodies directs its activities to protect the environmental rights of Ukrainian citizens from illegal legal acts, decisions, actions (inaction) of state bodies, local self-government bodies, other bodies, officials, and civil servants; to protect the environmental rights of Ukrainian citizens from encroachments in the form of administrative offenses, from encroachment on the environmental rights of citizens, etc.

The article examines typical problems of ensuring citizens’ access to justice on issues of environmental protection.

Results. It is recognized that in modern conditions, it is necessary to improve the administrative and legal status of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine, and to strengthen judicial control in the environmental sphere.

Conclusions. It is appropriate to state that the development of administrative and legal protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health is connected with the implementation of standards of good governance recognized in Europe, including legality and transparency of the decision-making process, open access to information, perfect administration, effective financial and budget management, control, supervision, responsibility. It is important in modern conditions to improve both material and procedural administrative legislation, review administrative procedures, and institutional changes, which in general should be aimed at transforming judicial bodies into important subjects of the implementation of the human rights function regarding the right of citizens to safe life and health environment, whose functioning is based on the ideas of people-centeredness and the priority of protecting the rights and interests of the individual.


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