Tactical features of the interrogation of witnesses during the investigation of the forced disappearance of a person


  • Sergii Push Assistant student of the Department of Law of the Private Higher Educational Institution “European University”, Ukraine




forced disappearance of a person, kidnapping of a person, tactics, testimony, interrogation of a witness


The scientific article is devoted to the development of forensic provisions and practical recommendations aimed at improving the organization and tactics of witness interrogation during the investigation of the enforced disappearance of a person. It is emphasized that the achievement of a positive result in the detection and investigation of crimes provided for in Art. 146-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, depends on the establishment of an effective mechanism of interaction between the investigator and operative units, the organization of an intensive search for the victim, complex and operational application, along with obtaining statements, other investigative (search) actions and covert investigative (search) actions. It was concluded that in criminal proceedings of the specified category, the following must first be established: eyewitnesses to the crime; persons who were seen near the scene of the crime shortly before the crime was committed or in the company of the missing person; acquaintances of the victim and (or) criminal (close relatives and family members, friends, roommates), who are aware of his lifestyle, daily routine, intentions, connections, conflicts and problems; neighbors of the victim; persons who saw the victim shortly before the disappearance and can explain the specific circumstances of his behavior, the possible direction and path of movement, signs of the appearance of those probably involved in the abduction; persons who were present at the transfer of redemption; eyewitnesses who observed the circumstances of the release of the abducted person; employees of law enforcement agencies. The organizational and tactical principles of the interrogation of the relevant category of witnesses at the initial stage of the investigation have been determined.


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