European values as the basisfor development of democratic principles in Ukraine


  • Tetiana Rodyk Senior Instructor at the Department of Social and Legal Disciplines Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



European values, political culture, democracy, civil society, human rights


The objective of the work is to research the phenomenon of European values through the prism of their influence on democratic reforms in Ukraine.

The methodological basis of the study. The current political situation and the entry of Ukraine into the European space, which is in its active phase of reforms, must be studied with the involvement of the methodology of system analysis with the dominance of the principles of synergy in combination with comparative studies, normative and institutional approaches, document analysis, the method of historical retrospective, the structural-functional method etc.

This article clarifies that despite the constant interest of science in European values as a subject of research, researchers and legislators have not yet developed a unified vision of their nature, content, and impact on democratic reforms in Ukraine.

The article is devoted to the study of the process of democratic foundation development in Ukraine. It also casts light upon the study of the essence and features of European values, which are the basis for their formation.

The article provides an analysis of the theoretical, political-legal and worldview foundations of democracy, and components of the influence of European democratic values on the formation and development of Ukrainian civil society.

It was emphasized that our state sees integration into European structures as an aid in getting closer to European values, the possibility of borrowing the experience of the EU member states regarding social economic development and raising the welfare of its citizens to the European level.

The conclusions of the study sum up that the announced strategic European course should be supported by concrete actions and measures, and value principles should become everyday political practice. The process of establishing European democratic values can enable maximal contribution to the development of civil society in our country.


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