Implementation of post-classical rationality in the modern discourse of legal protection of social morality


  • Sergii Ruvin Graduate student of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Khmelnytsky University of Management and Law named after Leonid Yuzkov, Ukraine



post-classical rationality, social morality, citizen, state, civil society, law enforcement agencies, legal relations, philosophy of law


Modern Ukrainian society is at such a segment of world history that is called postmodern and post-industrial society, and therefore corresponds to a post-neoclassical type of rationality, which is characterized by non-linear development, self-organization and self-development, the transition to new models of relations, including state-legal ones sphere, especially when it comes to the development of democratic principles in local self-government and the structure of executive power, etc. For general jurisprudence, such approaches are considered promising, because they take into account random, probabilistic relationships along with cause-and-effect relationships. It is believed that the post-non-classical type of rationality “works” within the limits of the new (modern) development of science with a new way of knowing and the methodology of scientific research. At the same time, it is not only about science, but, in a broader sense, about the global transformation of the knowledge production system and the change in the ways of relating to society in the context of overcoming the “contemplative” nature of knowledge and giving it a praxeological focus with further inclusion in the conceptual field of post-classicism. Based on the peculiarities of post- non-classical rationality in social cognition, we will make an assumption about its threefold goal, which, in view of the above, consists in combining rational and logical possibilities in the studied phenomena and events with the intellectual and personal qualities of the researcher, including a wide range of “value orientations, existential experience, psychological characteristics, etc., that is, his understanding of social reality. Thus, it is substantiated that the weakness of state positions on the protection of public morality lies in the fact that, from the very beginning, a model of moral relations adequate to the requirements of the time was not formed, which would take into account the dynamics of social changes and find embodiment in legislation, state institutions, civil society, and was b a tool of social regulation, a criterion for assessing the vital activity of a person and society.


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