The purpose of administrative ensuring the balance of interests in the field of environmental regulation


  • Myroslava Sirant Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory of Law and Constitutionalism Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, Ukraine



natural environment, environmental protection, subjective environmental rights, administrative law


The article examines the purpose of administrative maintenance of the balance of interests in the field of environmental regulation. Systemic, structural-functional methods and the method of comparison were used for the research. The topicality of the topic is due to the need to increase the effectiveness of the legal regulation of environmental protection, environmental safety, and nature management. In the context of current environmental legislation, the purpose and tasks of legal regulation are considered. It is noted that the subject-objective basis of administrative-legal regulation, which is expressed with the help of the concept of the idea of law. The latter acts as a legal idea of administrative and legal regulation in the field of ecology and forms the subject- objective basis of content and research. It is noted that the specification of the concept is manifested in the understanding of the balance of interests as a planned result of the coordination of the public interest of protecting the natural environment with basic public interests (economic well-being of citizens, security, and others), even with private interests. Protection of the public interest should have the ultimate goal of protecting the rights and freedoms of a specific person and citizen of the state. The purpose and planned result of the reconciliation of interests is to ensure basic public interests, ensure the subjective environmental rights and legitimate interests of citizens, and protect them from the misconduct of powerful subjects of administrative law in the field of legal regulation of environmental protection. The administrative-legal maintenance of the balance of interests in the field of environmental regulation is defined as a system of organizational, material and procedural administrative-legal means, with the help of which, in the process of realizing the public interest of environmental protection, basic public interests are ensured, the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities are ensured and protected.


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