Features of the educational environment of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the conditions of forced migration
migration, Ukrainian schoolchildren, educational environment, educational problemsAbstract
The study of a wide range of issues related to forced migration and adaptation of migrants is of undoubted scientific interest today in the context of changes in public consciousness and its impact on social processes. The article analyzes the state of a person in forced emigration in times of war and the subjective perception by students and parents of the peculiarities of the educational process in the host country and other important factors. It is argued that in the conditions of war there is an aggravation of pain thresholds that affect the transformation of students’ worldview orientations. It is found that most European education systems have responded quickly to new challenges at the state level: they adopt regulations, send out recommendations and manuals for teachers, provide schools with specific tools and increase the number of teachers.
The article summarizes the problems of educating Ukrainian schoolchildren in the context of forced migration caused by a number of political, socio-economic, socio-cultural, and socio- psychological factors. It is established that the main problems of Ukrainian schoolchildren abroad include the following: language barrier; significant differences in educational programs in Ukrainian and foreign institutions; double workload of a child due to studying in a Ukrainian and foreign educational institution; multi-age classes in schools of the host country; attending lessons that have never been taught in a Ukrainian school, etc. A comparative analysis of the data available in the research materials on the subjective perception of students and parents of the peculiarities of the educational process in the host country is carried out. The author analyzes a number of legislative and institutional requirements for the education of schoolchildren in the context of their current implementation. The key tasks of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to support Ukrainian students who were forced to leave Ukraine due to Russia’s military aggression include: maintaining ties with the Ukrainian education system; ensuring the possibility to continue their studies under the Ukrainian curriculum; obtaining educational documents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns’ka, Natalia Hlebova

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