Legislation on conscription: comparative analysis
conscription (military service), professional army, defend the Motherland, comparative legal analysisAbstract
The objective of the research is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the system of legal enforcement of military service as a method of forming the armed forces and influencing democratic processes in society, as well as to formulate well-founded proposals and methods for solving the identified problems.
Research methodology The research was conducted using the method of content analysis, which is used in the study of sources that are invariant to the structure and content of the object of scientific research. Content analysis combines nomothetic research methods with idiographic methods.
The method of conceptual analysis should be developed within the framework of the above- mentioned analytical study, as it is used to identify existing comparative and theoretical concepts of ensuring the order of conscription.
The analysis of the legal mechanism of ensuring the fulfilment of military service in the countries of the world, as well as the institutional mechanisms of ensuring the fulfilment of military service in Ukraine is carried out using the formal-logical method. The provisions of the legislation of Ukraine and other countries were analysed using the comparative legal method.
The subject is the legislation of Ukraine and the legislation of foreign countries in the field of military conscription.
Conclusions. The author of the mentioned study comes to the conclusion that an important element of the model of the legal enforcement of military duty - the subject, whose function is the duty to protect the state, to ensure its security, is the entire Ukrainian people; military service is not a function, but a constitutional duty of such a circle of subjects as citizens of Ukraine; this constitutional duty consists in 1) ensuring the defence of Ukraine; 2) protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine; 3) protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine; 4) protecting the integrity of Ukraine; the fulfilment of this duty involves voluntary or conscript military service; military service is a form of fulfilment of the duty of a citizen of Ukraine; the special status of military personnel should be established in the legislation of Ukraine, as well as the procedure for completion of military service by citizens of Ukraine should be regulated.
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