Legal basis of personal data protection in Ukraine and Germany: organizational and managerial aspect
Germany, right to personal data protection, federal protection system, Stasi archives, data protection officer, GDPRAbstract
The author emphasizes that the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is effective. It applies directly to all member states of the European Union. However, there are exceptions where member states can also adopt their own rules for certain areas. German lawmakers have used these introductory provisions in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and adapted national data protection laws in accordance with the GDPR so that they can continue to exist.
The system of federal data protection authorities in Germany is more complex than in other EU countries. In practice, this sometimes creates problems and indirectly becomes a competitive disadvantage for German companies. Although the introduction of the GDPR helped harmonize data protection rules across member states, regional differences still exist in Germany. Nevertheless, various instruments ensure better coordination between the data protection authorities of the individual federal states at the national level, as well as between the authorities in different EU member states at the European level, compared to the time before the GDPR came into force.
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