War in Ukraine and the role of international non-governmental organizations in ensuring international cooperation of states in the field of health care
a person, the highest social value, displaced persons, the Ukrainian Red Cross, The World Medical Association, the Health Care Committee of the European Business Association, World Psychiatric AssociationAbstract
The purpose of this scientific article is to identify the role of international non-governmental organizations in ensuring international cooperation of states in the field of health care.
The article focuses on the role of such international non-governmental organizations during the war in Ukraine: the Red Cross Committee, the World Medical Association, the International Pharmaceutical Federation, etc.
International cooperation of states in the field of health care is a complex of legal means and institutions that the subjects of international public law - states - use to achieve common goals in the field of health care, which is implemented in the forms of multilateral and bilateral participation and is carried out accordingly to generally recognized principles and norms of international law. It can be carried out with the participation of both states and international intergovernmental organizations, but not international public organizations.
The subject of international legal relations in the field of health care can only be that international organization that is endowed by its member states with special competence, defined in its charter. The term “international intergovernmental organization” is not synonymous with the term “international public organization”.
The participation of non-governmental legal entities in activities in the field of health care does not contradict the norms of international law, however, they are not subjects of international legal relations in the field of health care, because they are not endowed by the states with special competence, which would be determined in their statute.
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