The interaction of the President of Ukraine with the Parliament and bodies of the executive power: problems of theory and practice
President of Ukraine, Parliament of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, executive authorities, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, interaction, problems of theory and practice, political system of Ukraine, the Checks and Balances systemAbstract
The article explores the issues of interaction between the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the executive authorities in Ukraine. The research has shown that the constitutional ambiguity and differences in the legal norms defining the powers of the president and the parliament cause problems of interaction between them. It was also revealed that problems may arise in the process of forming a majority in the parliament, which may lead to political instability and complicate the interaction between the president and the parliament. This article also substantiates that the existing constitutional and legal norms regarding the veto power of the President of Ukraine regarding laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada and the performance of the duties of the President of Ukraine by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada in cases where his powers were prematurely terminated require additional improvements. It was established that the problems of interaction between the President of Ukraine and the executive authorities are related to the existing procedure for appointing the heads of local state administrations, the lack of an effective control system over the executive authorities, insufficient coordination of the actions of the President of Ukraine and the executive authorities, and the problem of the constitutionality of the President’s powers in relation to some executive authorities authorities The mentioned problems can lead to abuse of power, corruption and inefficient activity of state bodies, therefore this article offers options for solving the mentioned problems. The work highlights important aspects of the interaction of key state institutions and can be useful for students and researchers in the legal field. This study contains interesting conclusions and recommendations regarding the further improvement of interaction between the President and the authorities in Ukraine.
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