Typical methods of illegal manufacturing, processing or repair of firearms and other weapons
crime, method of committing a crime, concealment, illegal manufacture of weapons, firearmsAbstract
The scientific publication is dedicated to finding out the typical methods of committing the crime provided for in Art. 263 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as a fundamental element of its criminalistic characteristics. It was established that the main methods of committing the investigated crime are active actions regarding firearms, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices: manufacturing, processing, removing markings, changing markings. Attention is focused on the fact that most of the methods of committing the specified crimes are fully structured, that is, they have the stages of preparation, commission and concealment. It is noted that the actions covered by the features of the specified crime are often a separate link in a chain of elaborately planned criminal activities related to the illegal trafficking of weapons, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices. Tendencies to improve and modernize methods of illegal manufacture, processing, or repair of weapons items were identified: high-tech processing, manufacturing using modern technical means; use of reference information, purchase of individual structural mechanisms, parts for weapons items through Internet sites; use of masking agents.
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