Transhumanism as a legal category


  • Myroslava Bielova doctor of legal sciences, associate professor Department of Constitutional Law and Comparative Jurisprudence Faculty of Law «Uzhgorod National University», Ukraine
  • Dmytro Byelov Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law and Comparative Jurisprudence Faculty of Law «Uzhgorod National University» Honored lawyer of Ukraine, Ukraine



human rights, rights of the fourth generation, humanism, transhumanism


The authors argue, transhutmanism in relation to human somatic rights is characterized, firstly, by the belief in the possibility of creative transformation of the human body and nature by the people themselves, and secondly, by the belief in the possibility and permissibility of using the latest technologies to improve the human body and nature, - thirdly, in the conviction of the need to use the latest technologies in order to solve a number of problems with human health. The very new possibilities of man, which arose as a result of scientific and technical progress, become the source of an anthropological crisis. The transhumanism movement appeared on the basis of this crisis situation. At the same time, innovations, innovative processes and innovative activities require a thorough understanding. This especially applies to innovations focused on drastic changes in the human body and nature. At the same time, on the one hand, we intend to spread biomedical technologies for the “improvement” of man, which also implies in the perspective of creating a just and regulated community, on the other hand, these technologies themselves become an obstacle to this goal, generating new forms of inequality and injustice.


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