On the question of legal regulation of administrative procedures on the example of foreign countries





administrative procedures, legal regulation, foreign countries, natural persons, legal entities


The article deals with the issue of legal regulation of administrative procedures on the example of foreign countries. The standards of the administrative procedure regarding the adoption of administrative decisions, i.e. decisions of public administration bodies, which concern the rights and obligations of individuals and legal entities, are considered. The content and features of legal regulation of administrative procedures in foreign countries, the scope and subject of legal regulation through the prism of the legislation of foreign countries on administrative procedures are outlined. Various approaches to determining the scope, content and methods of its legal regulation are analyzed.

Attention is focused on the specifics of managerial activity, which must take effective measures in a timely manner in a wide variety of situations, forming the boundaries and restrictions necessary in the rule of law. The types of entities to which administrative procedures apply have been considered.

The rights and obligations of administrative bodies regarding the preparation and adoption of an administrative decision are defined. Features of appeals by individuals and legal entities, definition of sub-agency category of cases are outlined. The types of decisions made by the administrative body are classified. Emphasis is placed on informing persons whose interests may be affected by an administrative act.

The grounds for removing officials considered biased are outlined. The rights of citizens participating in the administrative procedure are considered separately.


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