The impact of Russia’s military aggression on the economic crisis and risks of Ukrainian enterprises (economic and legal aspects)


  • Serhiy Fedyk Ph.D. of Law, Docent Department of Economy and Public Management of Lviv’s National University after I. Franko, Ukraine
  • Olga Fedyk Ph.D. of Economics Department of Management by the name of professor E.V. Chraplyvyj of Lviv’s National Environmental University, Ukraine



crisis, risks, military aggression, Commercial court, satisfaction


The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the impact of Russia’s military aggression on the activities of enterprises in Ukraine. Considerable attention is paid to the study of economic risks and legal consequences for the activities of Ukrainian enterprises in the crisis period of 2022-2024. The current economic crisis in Ukraine arose as a result of Russia’s military invasion. As a result of such actions, many Ukrainian enterprises were destroyed. A significant number of enterprises lost the possibility of effective functioning on the economic market. However, there is still a certain part of enterprises that continue to function, but their activities are under threat.


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