Prospects for the development of legal regulation of Green Recovery in Ukraine


  • Nataliia Ilkiv Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of economic and legal disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine



environmental safety, climate change prevention and adaptation, European Green Deal


Ukraine has committed itself to developing and implementing long-term measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As a party to the Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the state is obliged to make its nationally determined contribution to achieve the goals of sustainable low-carbon development of all sectors of the economy and increase the ability to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. The official announcement of joining the European Green Deal demonstrates Ukraine’s unwavering intention to overcome the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation by transforming into a modern resource-efficient and competitive economy. In June 2022, Ukraine was granted the status of a candidate for EU membership. These measures should be implemented despite Russia’s anti-Ukrainian armed aggression and difficult economic challenges.

The purpose of this work is to determine the main directions of development of the legal mechanism for preventing climate change, which is being formed in the context of military realities, while ensuring that Ukraine strictly complies with its obligations under the European Green Deal.

It is concluded that when developing the conceptual legal framework of the environmental security component as part of the Strategy for Post-War Recovery and Development of Ukraine and the relevant Action Plan, as well as sectoral programs for the restoration of the State, an appropriate climate policy should be formulated, coordinated with Ukraine’s further European integration.

These include updated priority measures of the national climate policy, broad state support for environmental protection measures; digitalization of environmental relations; provision of funding for measures and investments aimed at developing competitive renewable generation and improving existing infrastructure, developing the potential of the hydrogen ecosystem, increasing the energy efficiency of buildings through the integration of renewable energy sources, decarbonizing insulation and cooling of buildings, ensuring the development of transport with low.


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