General secondary education in Spain: administrative law aspects




general secondary education, educational institutions, compulsory secondary education, public authorities, educational services, primary education, public administration


The article analyses the system of general secondary education in Spain from the perspective of administrative law. The author aims to study the main goals and objectives of general secondary education in Spain, its principles, structure, educational relations and the State’s obligations in the field of education. The research is based on the analysis of the fundamental legal act in the field of education in Spain, the Organic Law of Education.

The author notes that in the system of compulsory secondary education in Spain, particular attention is paid to the educational and professional orientation of students, taking into account the gender-sensitive approach and special educational needs of students with disabilities. In addition, school education is aimed at teaching students the basic elements of culture, instilling tolerance, healthy lifestyle skills, and respect for the environment.

For the purpose of comparative analysis of the practical achievements of the Spanish secondary education system, the author draws attention to the results of the OESD’s Programme for International Student Assessment PISA, other data from the OECD, UNDP and independent rankings.

It is noted that public administration in the field of general secondary education is in close communication and interaction of public authorities, is characterised by decentralisation of powers, transparency, accountability, autonomy of educational institutions and flexibility in the organisation of the educational process. The author looks into the distribution of powers in the field of education between the bodies of the General State Administration, such as the Government of Spain and the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports of Spain, and the administrations of the Autonomous Communities. Education authorities at different levels coordinate their actions, each within its own competence, in order to use resources efficiently and achieve the goals set by law.

On the basis of the research, the author concludes that public administration in the field of education in Spain is aimed at meeting to the fullest extent the needs of the population in providing general secondary education, and the Spanish education system itself is focused on the formation of educated, tolerant and culturally enriched individuals. The state is most interested in taking into account the needs of students to unveil their potential to the full extent.


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