Organizational and legal aspects of combating crimes against the environment in the conditions of war in Ukraine


  • Sergii Marko Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminology department of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Ukraine



crimes against the environment, criminal responsibility, countermeasures, ecocide, compensation for damage


The scientific article is devoted to the analysis of organizational and legal aspects of combating crimes against the environment in the conditions of war in Ukraine at the national and international legal levels. Arguments are presented regarding the relevance in the global, international dimension: criminalization of environmental damage at the level of the European Union and its member states; detailing the shortcomings of international legislation and revising the relevant directive on environmental crimes; creation of functioning of the International Registry of Losses. It was emphasized that the introduction of appropriate changes to international legislation will allow creating a comprehensive system of measures to combat environmental crime, ensure the unification of national legislative systems in terms of terminology, composition of crimes, as well as sanctions applied for their commission in armed conflicts. It was concluded that at the national level, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures to combat ecocide, develop a unified state policy in this area, establish an effective system for monitoring the state of the environment and fix the amount of damages, in particular, for the systematic presentation of legal claims for the payment of reparations. The national post-war recovery plan should include measures to restore and preserve ecosystems, in particular based on the analysis of regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental protection. It is justified that the ecological direction should include the development and implementation of a holistic, comprehensive plan for the ecological recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war. It is noted that the relevant mechanisms should be universal in nature and effectively prevent crimes against the environment in the world, be reflected in relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other documents of the international law system.


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