Prevention of corruption risks when performing customs procedures: types and concepts




prevention of corruption, state customs affairs, customs control, customs clearance, settlement of customs payments, classification, administrative and legal support


The aim of the work is involves clarifying the theoretical and practical problems of preventing corruption risks in the implementation of customs procedures, the peculiarities of its definition of the essence and concept, and the selection of separate criteria for their classification within the limits of its customs and legal provision. The methodological basis of the study used a set of scientific research methods such as dialectical, formal-legal, systemic, hermeneutic, comparative-legal, empirical, etc. The content of individual categories “corruption”, “corruption risk”, “procedure”, “legal procedure”, “customs procedure”, “customs formalities” was clarified, the constituent elements of customs procedures were revealed. A proper definition of “corruption risk in the field of customs procedures” is proposed. It has been established that the customs procedure is a set of requirements that are determined by the implementation of customs control and customs clearance of goods and the peculiarity of paying taxes and customs payments, and the conditions of their implementation depend on a certain customs regime (that is, on the purpose, form and conditions of the movement of goods). It was determined that the institution of prevention of corruption risks in relation to violations of the established procedure for the implementation of customs procedures has its own specificity of legal support and is a separate subject of research in the science of customs law. It was found that the prevention of corruption risks in the implementation of customs procedures is a component of the prevention of corruption risks in the public administration of state customs affairs and is a separate part of the prevention of corruption in this area.   It was concluded that the corruption risk in the field of customs procedures is legal, organizational and other factors and reasons that generate, encourage (stimulate) corruption in the implementation of customs control procedures, customs clearance procedures, as well as tax and customs payment procedures and their order implementation. According to the prevalence, it is proposed to highlight the following corruption risks in the implementation of customs procedures in the activities of customs officials, namely: dishonesty of customs officials, the occurrence of a conflict of interests among customs officials, lack of control by the management of customs authorities, the presence of discretionary powers of customs officials etc.


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