Organizational forms of cross-border cooperation of healthcare institutions


  • Yurii-Viktor Peresta postgraduate student at the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine



cross-border cooperation, healthcare institutions, public-private partnership, local and regional authorities, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, European Union


The article examines the organizational forms of cross-border cooperation of healthcare institutions. It has been established that currently, it is essential not only to restore the destroyed infrastructure of the health care system but also to restore the health of war victims, as well as the development of an appropriate health care system in connection with the integration of Ukraine into the European Union. It was determined that in such unclear and risky conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the ability to develop cross-border cooperation of healthcare institutions in Ukraine with the relevant healthcare institutions of neighboring states, member states of the European Union, namely: Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania through various available organizational forms. It was established that there are various organizational forms through which health care institutions can implement cross-border cooperation. It was determined that the use of such a form for cooperation as a European grouping of territorial cooperation on the external border of the European Union will be useful both for the exchange of experience of neighboring health care institutions of the member states of the European Union and health care institutions of Ukraine, as well as for their possible effective participation in programs and implementation of cross-border cooperation projects, which would be aimed at the development of the health care sector in order to provide the population with affordable medical care. It was noted that because of the events taking place due to the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine, namely the devastating consequences for the health of thousands of people, then it would be expedient to create such a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation on the external border of the European Union with Ukraine. It was established when comparing the legislation of neighboring states, the member states of the European Union, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania, and analyzing the provisions of European Union regulatory acts regarding the activities of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, it appears that the list of participants of such a grouping may be somewhat wider.


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