Regulatory control over the electricity market in Ukraine: the problem of duplication of powers


  • Serhii Fedorenko Ph.D. researcher of the Department of Administration, Criminal Law and Procedure Institute of Law of the Institution of Higher Education ‘International University of Business and Law’, Ukraine



duplication of powers, market regulator, National Energy and Public Utilities Regulatory Commission of Ukraine, electric energy designated supervision authority, regulatory control over the electricity market


The purpose of this article is to substantiate the existence of the problem of duplication of powers in the system of regulatory control over the electricity market in Ukraine and to determine ways to solve it. This research task should be carried out using, first of all, the formal-dogmatic method within the framework of a critical assessment of the relevant legislative provisions, perceiving them being detached from the environment of their application, as well as relying on the method of legal and institutional modeling to outline the organizational and legal contours of the system of regulatory control over the electricity market in Ukraine. Results: the subject matter of regulatory control (supervision) over the electric power industry carried out by the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate of Ukraine covers the production, transmission, distribution of electric energy, energy storage, as well as the use of energy for their own needs by market participants in part of technical operation of power plants and networks, energy equipment, testing and repair of power plants and networks, performance of works on the design of power plants and networks, while the National Energy and Public Utilities Regulatory Commission carries out regulatory control over compliance by economic entities carrying out activities in the fields of energy with legislation in this area as well as with the licensing conditions by conducting scheduled and unscheduled on-site, as well as off-site inspections in accordance with the control procedures approved by this commission. Conclusions: the optimal institutional reform designed to ensure the exclusivity and indivisibility of powers regarding regulatory supervision (control) over the electric power market appears to be the concentration of these powers in the field of competence of the National Energy and Public Utilities Regulatory Commission as an independent market regulator with a complete and self-sufficient complex of control and supervision measures, which can be enriched with the prepared proposals on reforming the procedures of activity of the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate of Ukraine.


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