Digital human rights: separate doctrinal basis
human rights, digital rights, digitalization, digital development, protection of digital rights, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The authors note that the digitization of public services has taken place, which has led to the transition of most or at least a significant number of public services to an electronic format and allowed us to talk about the emergence of concepts of electronic state (government) (e-government). The step-by-step transformation of state data management based on digital technologies, the development of complex super-services for citizens and businesses to receive public services in one click (DIY) was called “digital public administration”. However, a clear definition and framework of the concept of “digital human rights” has yet to be developed. They seem to cover all human rights in the context of digitization and the development of modern information and communication technologies. It can be considered that this is the field of information law, which regulates human rights related to the use of information technologies. This includes the regulation of relations in the field of personal data processing, publication of information on the network, processing of big data, application of artificial intelligence, etc.
The purpose of the scientific article is to consider the concept of digital rights and their implementation in the Ukrainian and European legal space, taking into account the contribution of Ukrainian scientists. The digital revolution that has swept the world has significantly changed the way people communicate, work and live. However, this rapid technological development brings with it new challenges for the protection of human rights. This article examines the concept of digital human rights and their dimensions in the Ukrainian and European context.
It is indicated that the study and protection of digital human rights in the modern world requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account both Ukrainian and European experience. The works of domestic scientists testify to the urgency of the problem and indicate the need for further research in this area. Digital human rights are becoming an integral part of modern society, where technology is rapidly changing the way we live and interact. Ukraine, like other countries, faces many challenges in the field of digital rights, which are caused by the rapid development of information and communication technologies. From this context: first, understanding digital rights and their importance becomes a necessity for every member of society. People should be aware of their rights and responsibilities in the digital space, especially regarding the protection of privacy and personal data; secondly, the development of digital rights in Ukraine should take into account the best practices of European countries and global standards. Improving legislation, increasing public awareness and developing cyber defense are aspects that require immediate attention; thirdly, the importance of cooperation between the state, citizens, business and the scientific community. Effective and sustainable solutions to ensure the digital rights of Ukrainians can only be created through joint efforts.
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