The current state of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the European Union


  • Ihor Dir Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Ph.D., Associate Professor Doctoral Candidate at Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine



European Union, Ukraine, recommendations, Parliament, European Commission, cluster, chapter


The aim of the work is a comprehensive analysis of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the European Union at the current stage.

The methodological basis of the study are official websites of specialized institutions in Ukraine and the European Union, laws, analytical reports, articles by other scientists, etc.

Results. According to the results of the conducted research, it was found that Ukraine continues to actively work towards European integration. It’s confirmed by a number of normative and legislative acts that have already been adopted or are planned to be adopted in the nearest future. In February 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Order “On approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission, presented in the Report on the progress of Ukraine within the framework of the 2023 European Union Enlargement Package.”

The plan of events is calculated in accordance with the Recommendations of the European Commission, includes the name of the event, the deadline, as well as responsible bodies for its implementation. In total, the Plan contains 142 recommendations. Their implementation requires the realization of more than 350 measures. It was also revealed that the first explanatory session on the negotiating chapters of the EU acquis already took place as part of the official screening and concerned Chapter 23 “Judiciary and fundamental rights”. After the EU revised the enlargement methodology, chapters 23 and 24 have become some of the most important chapters during the negotiation process. It happened in 2020.

Conclusions. Thus, Ukraine actively continues to work in the direction of European integration. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Action Plan for implementing the recommendations of the European Commission presented in the Report on the Progress of Ukraine. In total, this Plan contains 142 recommendations, the implementation of which requires the realization of more than 350 measures. The largest number of recommendations of the European Commission is contained in Chapter 23 “Judiciary and fundamental rights”. It is also worth noting that all recommendations are developed in accordance with the updated methodology for the enlargement of the European Union.


Kabinet Ministriv Ukrayiny. Pro zatverdzhennya planu zakhodiv z vykonannya rekomendatsiy Yevropeysʹkoyi Komisiyi, predstavlenykh u Zviti pro prohres Ukrayiny v ramkakh Paketa rozshyrennya Yevropeysʹkoho Soyuzu 2023 roku. Uryadovyy portal. URL: (date oa access: 01.03.2024).

European Commission. A more credible, dynamic, predictable and political EU accession process – Commission lays out its proposals. Official web-site. URL: (date of access: 03.03.2024).


