Legal terminology in environmental and land law: theoretical-legal analysis




terminology, legal terminology in the field of environmental and land law, natural environment, lands of Ukraine, land plot, environmental pollution, land pollution, land market


The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of legal terminology in the field of environmental and land law and proves the feasibility of its improvement in connection with the adaptation of the norms of national law to the law of the European Union.

The article states that today in Ukraine there is significant environmental pollution, climate change, land deterioration, which significantly worsened in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation and caused a particularly dangerous ecological situation in the country.

The article proves that the implementation of the principles of the right of citizens to a safe environment, ensuring human safety, protection and rational use of land, forest, water and subsoil resources is not possible without a clear definition of legal prescriptions enshrined in the law.

The article states that one of the important aspects of the language of law is legal terminology, which makes it possible to formulate the content of a legal document. The article defines the concepts of “terminology”, “terminology”, “legal terminology”. It is noted that it is not appropriate to equate the concepts of “terminology” and “terminological system”.

It has been investigated that despite the presence of established terminology in environmental law, the presence of terms in need of improvement is observed in this field, namely: “ecological law” and “environmental law”. It has been proved that for the purpose of further codification of environmental law, it seems appropriate to use the term “environmental law” as an established term of EU legislation.

It has been analyzed that today the language of the law in the field of land relations is gaining importance, which is due to the formation of the land market in Ukraine and the need to adapt the norms of land law to EU law. It is noted that in land law there is a problem of identifying the terms: “land”, “land plot”. It was noted that the legal terms related to the formation of the land market in Ukraine need improvement and detailing.

It was concluded that legal terminology in the field of environmental and land law is one of the important aspects of the development of the language of law. The issue of improving legal terminology in the field of environmental and land law is one of the necessary steps that will contribute to the unification and harmonization of the legal norms of the specified fields in the context of adapting the norms of national law to EU law.


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