Judicial lawmaking: a conceptual exploration





lawmaking, types of lawmaking, judicial lawmaking, administrative courts


The work aims to analyse the role of judicial lawmaking in the legal system of Ukraine and its impact on legal development. The study examines the extent of judicial authority in creating new legal norms, especially in comparison to the legislative branch.

The methodological basis of the study includes a comprehensive review of relevant legal literature, an analysis of Ukrainian legal provisions related to judicial lawmaking, and an examination of judicial decisions that have contributed to legal development.

The results of the study underscore the nuanced role of Ukraine’s courts in the legal landscape. While Ukrainian courts face limitations in directly creating new legal norms, the research reveals their substantial impact on legal evolution through judicial interpretation and the establishment of precedents.

One key finding is the significant influence of judicial decisions on shaping legal practice in Ukraine. Through their interpretations of existing laws and legal principles, courts contribute significantly to the development of legal norms and standards. This process not only clarifies legal ambiguities but also ensures consistency and coherence in legal principles applied in various judicial proceedings.

The study also emphasizes the importance of precedents set by Ukrainian courts. By establishing precedents, courts provide guidance for future legal cases and contribute to the predictability and stability of the legal system. This aspect is crucial for legal practitioners, scholars, and the public in understanding the application of laws and legal principles in different contexts. Conclusions drawn from the study emphasize that Ukraine has a legal system where the legislative branch plays a predominant role in shaping and changing legal norms. The courts in Ukraine have limited authority in creating new norms, as their main task is to apply and interpret existing legislation to specific situations that arise in society. However, it should be noted that courts can influence legal development through judicial interpretation and establishing precedents. When a court decides on an issue that does not have a clear solution in the law, it can establish a new precedent that can then be used for similar cases in the future. This contributes to the development of legal practice and the establishment of stable and consistent principles of judicial decision-making. Therefore, although courts in Ukraine do not have as significant an impact on law formation as the legislative branch, they can still contribute to the development of the legal system through judicial interpretation and establishing precedents.


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