International military-space cooperation of Ukraine: legal aspects


  • Mariia Semenchuk Postgraduate student at the Department of International Law, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine



international security, bilateral agreements, defence and intelligence, space activities, international law, information and data sharing, remote sensing


Outer space acts as a tremendous resource for the security and defence of a country and the protection of its citizens. Ukraine, despite having to deal with Russia’s full-scale armed aggression, is gradually restoring and building up its space capabilities through cooperation with partner countries. International cooperation in the military and space spheres is manifested as a whole through bilateral treaties on military geography, exchange of various kinds of information that has been obtained through space activities. The space origin of many types of data is no longer unusual and has long been used in the management of military forces. The article is devoted to the modern issues of legal aspects of international military-space cooperation of Ukraine. The research enlightens the importance of legal regulation in the field of space activities to ensure national security and emphasizes the role of legislation in the organization and regulation of space activities, as well as the importance of global partnership and cooperation in achieving space security goals. In the context of the war in Ukraine, there is a need to strengthen international cooperation. Also, it is necessary to expand government-funded military space endeavors and develop a coherent plan for the development of military space cooperation aimed at ensuring national defence interests with allied countries. In addition, the most important activities along this path are strengthening interdepartmental coordination between government agencies involved in space activities, improving the legal framework and elevating the qualifications of space industry and military specialists through the reasonable application of international best practices and advanced experience.


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