Peculiarities of pre-trial settlement of administrative disputes in Ukraine and foreign countries


  • Diana Voron Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law State Higher Educational Institution “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine



state of war, state of war, mediation, mediation, conciliation, conciliation, court, court, public-law dispute, public-law dispute, subject of authority, subject of authority, law, law, settlement agreement, settlement agreement


In the article, the author examines the pre-trial settlement of administrative disputes in Ukraine and foreign countries. Attention is focused on the fact that in connection with the introduction of the state of war in Ukraine, the burden on those courts that have the opportunity to hear cases is increasing because there is a sufficient number of judges, hostilities are not taking place, or the territory on which the court is located is de-occupied. In such conditions, there is a growing need to use alternative methods of dispute settlement, namely mediation and conciliation.

The author highlights the issue of applying these methods – the subject composition of a public- law dispute as a civil servant who does not have a sufficient number of powers to use alternative methods of dispute settlement stays as the mandatory participant in such a dispute, he is limited in decision-making. Therefore, the article provides a suggestion to expand the discretionary powers of the subject of authority.

The positive aspects of mediation are indicated. It contributes to the increase of trust and the establishment of partnership relations between the subject of authority and a private person. A necessary step is to introduce changes to the current legislation of Ukraine and grant the subject of authority the right to offer individuals or legal entities a mediation procedure in order to find a mutually beneficial solution. The author pays particular focus to the use of mediation in Israel. The use of mediation in the member states of the European Union, in particular Italy and Poland, is also being studied. The positive sides of conciliation in Ukraine and the United Kingdom are also studied, and the problems that arise in practice and ways to solve them are specified.

The author comes to the conclusion that in the conditions of the state of war, it is indispensable to use alternative methods of resolving disputes, as this will lead to the relief of the judicial branch of government, the search for a mutually beneficial solution for both parties, the absence of corruption, preserving time and money for both individuals and legal entities, as well as for the subject of authority.


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