Some aspects of Combating Transnational Organized Crime
organized crime, criminal offenses, transnational crime, counteraction, preventionAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of transnational organized crime, which is a relevant and negative manifestation of public life not only in Ukraine but also in most foreign countries. Crime is a stable phenomenon and inseparable from human society, and it should be noted that organized crime is stable in its essence and structure, but variable depending on the requirements of time. At present, Ukraine is facing the emergence of a fundamentally new form of transnational organized crime, which is a crime against national security. In particular, the military-political situation in our country, which is associated with the military aggression of the Russian Federation, contributes to the intensification of the movement of weapons, explosives and other military items, as well as the recruitment of citizens to participate in illegal state activities.
The article examines the problem of combating transnational crime and suggests ways to counteract this type of crime. At the national level, combating this type of crime requires coordination of law enforcement agencies, formation of joint operational and investigative teams and think tanks. There is also a need to improve the legal framework for combating this phenomenon, which should take into account existing international standards and the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime into Ukrainian legislation. It is determined that in the current socio-political environment, this problem is actually becoming a matter of national security of Ukraine. According to the Strategy of National Security and the Fight against Organized Crime, the search for new ways and answers to the challenges and prevention of transnational organized crime and corruption in the context of military operations, aggression and internal instability necessitates the study of an international mechanism of protection against such extremely dangerous actions. The author believes that it is advisable for Ukrainian law enforcement officers to study the experience of leading foreign organizations so that they have a real opportunity to work proactively in preventing corruption, countering terrorism and other segments of transnational organized crime.
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