Academic integrity of scientists: problems of implementation and responsibility in Ukraine
integrity, academic responsibility, measures of responsibility, academic freedom, principles of academic integrityAbstract
The article outlines the concept of academic integrity as a component of academic culture and states the academic integrity of researchers is a key aspect in determining the quality and reliability of scientific research, as well as the reputation of the scientific community. Adherence to the principles of academic integrity is the foundation for the development of scientific knowledge and innovation.
It was noted that Ukrainian legislation provides a clear framework for the regulation of academic integrity, establishing fundamental principles, requirements, and sanctions for violations. This contributes to the assurance of the quality of education and research, as well as the enhancement of trust in the outcomes of educational and research activities. A critical assessment of the list of violations of academic integrity is given. Particularly emphasized the shortcomings of the legal regulation of the definition and application of the institute “academic responsibility” as a form of ensuring “academic integrity”. The authors analyze and summarize the basic ethical principles that form the basis of academic integrity.
Conclusions. Thus, academic integrity violations, such as plagiarism, can result in serious consequences, including the revocation of academic degrees and academic titles. At the same time, maintaining academic integrity is a researcher’s moral and professional obligation, as it affects public trust in scientific results. Maintaining academic integrity is essential for the development of a scientific environment that is conducive to intellectual honesty and transparency in scientific research. Furthermore, the culture of academic integrity encourages high standards of ethics and professional behavior among scientists. Consequently, the quality and credibility of research results are contingent upon the research process being conducted in an honest and ethical manner, free from practices that are deemed unacceptable within the scientific community and that compromise academic integrity. In this regard, all the efforts of the scientific community should be aimed at preventing academic dishonesty, hindering and stopping it by creating a responsible and honest scientific environment.
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