Gender stereotypes regarding women in the legal sphere: issues and ways to address them


  • Olena Nahorna Lecturer, of Civil Law and Process Department Faculty Training Specialists for Criminal Police Units of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine



stereotypes, women, gender stereotypes, negative impact, legal sphere


Equality is the foundation of a democratic society that strives for social justice and respect for human rights. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, women are discriminated against in almost all spheres of life. The relevance of the scientific article is due to the fact that, despite Ukraine’s recognition of basic international documents in the field of ensuring gender equality, the establishment of the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of gender at the constitutional level, the adoption of a special law on ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men, the creation of appropriate institutional guarantees in this area, the problem of insufficiently effective protection of women and observance of gender equality in various spheres of public life remains open for our state. Gender stereotypes represent a significant issue in contemporary society, particularly within professional environments such as the legal sphere. Women working in this field often encounter certain stereotypes that may limit their opportunities for professional advancement and development. These stereotypes may include the perception that women are less competent in the legal domain or that they are better suited for other types of professional activities.

It is important to consider that gender stereotypes can affect women’s self-esteem in the legal sphere, as well as their ability to advocate for their rights and interests. This may lead to women feeling less confident in their abilities, which in turn can restrict their career trajectory.

To address this issue, it is necessary to pay attention to gender equality issues in the legal sphere. This may involve conducting campaigns to educate and raise awareness about gender stereotypes, as well as promoting the development and support of female leaders in this field. Additionally, it is important to create conditions for women to have equal opportunities for professional growth, including access to education and training in the field of law.


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