Control in the field of banking activity: problems, prospects of development and legal regulation


  • Alyona Nakonechna Lawyer, Chief Specialist of DCCJ JSC CB “PrivatBank” Postgraduate student of the Department of Administrative Tactical Law University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine



Control in the field of banking, Lima Declaration, Codification of banking legislation, Banking Code of Ukraine


The aim of the work is to study the problems of control in the field of banking. During the writing of the work, the concept, essence and content of the concept of control in the field of banking activity are studied. By working through a large number of works of scientists on this issue and using the method of comparison and analysis, ways to overcome more significant shortcomings have been identified. The most effective ways to solve the problem, which consist in the integration and differentiation of banking legislation, have been found. The process of integration of banking legislation, in our opinion, consists in carrying out high-quality work on the creation of the Banking Code of Ukraine. The mechanism for creating a banking code should include the process of systematization of banking legislation, which includes incorporation and codification. The legal regulation of banking activity in foreign countries, which is characterized by the diversity of the legal nature of the sources of banking law, a highly developed system of normative acts on banks and banking activities, the thoroughness of their legal regulation and the penetration of a foreign element into the national banking legislation, has been studied. Therefore, in connection with Ukraine’s aspiration to join the European Union, considerable attention should be paid to the legal regulation of the principles of control in the field of banking activities in the EU.


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