Humanistic principles of the legal system
principle of humanism, rule of law, human rights, system of law, moral principles of societyAbstract
The study focuses on the study of the principle of humanism as a key element of the modern legal state. The author traces the evolution of the humanistic concept from ancient times to the present, emphasizing its defining role in the formation of legal systems and state policy.
The article reveals the essence of the concept of “principle” in the legal context. Emphasis is placed on the systematicity, interrelationship, and hierarchy of the principles of law, which is crucial for understanding their functions in the legal system.
The analysis of the principle of humanism as an end-to-end component of the legal system occupies a central place in the research. Its main aspects are considered: the value of the individual, respect for dignity, ensuring rights and freedoms, orientation towards the common good. It is emphasized that humanism in law is not only an ethical ideal, but also a practical guideline for law-making and law enforcement.
The author explores the dialectical opposition of humanism and anti-humanism, which allows for a deeper understanding of the dynamic nature of humanistic principles and their influence on the development of the rule of law. Emphasis is placed on the need for constant critical analysis of existing norms and institutions regarding their compliance with humanistic ideals.
An important aspect of the work is the analysis of the relationship between the moral maturity of society and the realization of the principle of humanism. It is argued that in a morally developed society, respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual becomes an integral part of everyday life, creating harmony between ethical principles and legal norms.
The conclusions emphasize the importance of not only the legislative enshrining of humanistic principles, but also their practical implementation in all spheres of social life. This involves the constant improvement of the legal system and state administration for the maximum satisfaction of the needs and interests of citizens, which is a defining feature of a truly legal and democratic state.
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