The idea of the rule of law in the views of Andri Tchaikovsky




rule of law, Andri Tchaikovsky, lawyer, legislation, human rights


The purpose of this research is to study the idea of the rule of law in the views of the prominent Ukrainian lawyer, social and political activist Andri Tchaikovsky. Based on the study of his educational, scientific-journalistic and political-legal activities, the views and participation of the activist in the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their rights, which were constantly violated by the local Polish administration, are shown. It has been proven that A. Tchaikovsky, due to his legal education and legal practice, had the necessary qualifications to provide legal assistance to the Ukrainian population, thereby restoring trust and respect for the law. It is advisable to consider the lawyer’s views on the system of the rule of law in two planes, where the first relates to the formation, which took place through scientific and journalistic activity, and the second – through the implementation of practical activities. The methodological basis of the research is a system of general scientific and special legal methods that provide a comprehensive consideration of the idea of the rule of law in the views of A. Tchaikovsky. With the help of historical-legal, systemic-structural, comparative-legal and formal-legal methods, the researched question was considered in the statics and dynamics of its development, the logic and sequence of the processes of formation and development of A. Tchaikovsky’s views were properly reproduced. The results. The main forms of reflection of A. Tchaikovsky’s views were his practical activity, which manifested itself through his advocacy, as a result of which was the provision of legal assistance to the population, often on a free basis, active social activity through collective and individual discussions, speeches at rallies and popular veche, as well as the creative heritage of the figure, a significant amount of which is written on a wide source base and reveals the conceptual issues of the researched issues. Conclusions. Investigation the idea of the rule of law in the views of A. Tchaikovsky gives reasons to state the significant role of the lawyer in the sphere of protection of the rights and freedoms of the population. His legal orientations and life position contributed to raising the Ukrainian national question to the public and provided an opportunity to develop the legal foundations of the native people’s struggle for self-determination, to develop legal mechanisms in the field of protecting their rights and freedoms.


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