Chemogenic processes in the Azov paradynamic landscape system


  • В. П. Воровка Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


chemogenic processes, paradynamic landscape system, contact borders, salt exchange, migration of biogenic substances, gas exchange


 The Azov paradynamic landscape system is characterized by an extraordinary variety of processes and phenomena of interaction between contact contrast media. One of the groups of such processes is chemogenic. Their diversity within the Priazov Paradynamic landscape system is extremely high on land, in the water area of the sea and in the “water-air”, “water-bottom”, “water-land” contact strips. In this regard, the role of chemogenic processes in the course of modern coastal processes and the formation of landscapes of the coastal zone of the sea is significant. They also determine the specifics of many parameters of the Priazov Paradynamic Landscape System.Purpose.  The article discusses processes of chemogenic origin occurring in the coastal zone of the sea within boundaries of the Azov Sea paradynamic landscape system. Most of these processes are taking place at the main contact borders like “water-air”, “water-bottom”, and “water-land”. Results. The processes of salt exchange, migration of biogens and gas exchange are considered. It was revealed that chemogenic processes are an essential component of the entire variety of interactions in the coastal zone and are important for its functioning. The processes of aerosol transport of chemical elements and salts from the sea surface onto land and vice versa by atmospheric land-surface flows were analyzed. Characteristics of air saturation with marine salts from the surface of calm water and characteristics of aeolian transfer of salt crystals from the bottom of dried-up bodies of water were considered. The article also pays attention to the features of transfer of pollutants, in particular within seaport areas. Conclusions. Chemogenic processes in the coastal zone define its specific structure, functioning and the result thus being manifested in the development of characteristics of landscape systems such as humidification, salinity, chemogenic migration of substances, healing properties of sea air, high rates of biological productivity.

Author Biography

В. П. Воровка, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research