Territorial structure of the land use of Kharkiv city


  • А. А. Клєщ V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university, Ukraine
  • Н. В. Максименко V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university, Ukraine
  • П. Р. Пономаренко V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university, Ukraine


landscape planning, inventory, real use of land, type of land use, map, spatial differentiation, land use, structure of the city


The purpose of the research is to establish and analyze the modern territorial structure of the nature management of the city of Kharkiv for further use in the process of its landscape planning. Methods. Visual decoding of satellite images, vectorization of raster images, analysis of topological correctness and mapometric calculation of areas. Results. On the basis of the analysis of satellite images of the city's landscape coverage and its subsequent classification according to the types of nature use, a cartographic work "Territorial structure of the nature management of the city of Kharkiv" was made. A quantitative assessment of the differentiation of different types of nature management has shown that the largest share is occupied by the residential type, represented by residential and public buildings - 39% of the city. The second type of nature use in Kharkiv is the protective and recreational type, which occupies 27% of the entire territory. Industrial type of nature management occupies 15% of the territory of the city of Kharkiv and is represented by industrial enterprises and mining quarries, which accounted for 98% and 2% respectively. The following territorial distribution is the agrarian type of nature use - 9% of the city's area. The largest share of agrarian type occupies the agricultural type of nature use - 67% of the total area of the type. All transport types of nature use together occupy 8% of the city, half of which are streets of local importance (51%). Conclusions. The main tendencies of spatial distribution of types of nature use are revealed, namely: industrial and residential types of nature management, form spatial "agglomerates", much of which tends to the neighborhood with the areas of aquatic nature use; Territories with an agrarian type of nature management are located on the city suburbs and represent "rudimentary" remnants of the "pre-urbanization" nature of nature use, the protective and recreational type has a unconnected territories and does not create the ecological environmental - stabilizing framework of the city. On the basis of the obtained data, the prospects and possibilities of using this approach to inventory cartographic works for the needs of landscape planning of territorial development of cities are presented.

Author Biography

Н. В. Максименко, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv national university

канд. геогр. наук, доц.,


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research