An ecological estimation of surface-water quality of the Tsyr river in accordance of categories


  • О. О. Цьось Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine


river Tsyr, ecological estimation, hydro-chemical indexes, quality water class, category


The deterioration of the ecological status of small river basins, and in this regard, and the quality of water in the rivers of the Pripyat basin is due to large-scale hydrotechnical reclamation, deforestation and increase of areas of cultivated land, recreation, soil erosion, radionuclide contamination of the territories as a result of the Chornobyl catastrophe, industrial development , Pollution by municipal wastewater and more.Purpose.. Study of the ecological state of the Tsyr river, analysis of hydro-chemical, tropho-saprobiological descriptions and content of specific substances of toxic action, determination of class and category of water quality. Methods. Field researches, Analytical methods. Results. The modern approaches for the groups of factors of river pools anthropogenic transformation are considered. The tests of the Tsyr river water are selected and analysed of three blocks of substances: salt composition, tropho-saprobiological block and block of specific substances of toxic action. A class and category of water quality are certained for every block. It is set that on the indexes of hydro-chemical block quality of water in the Tsyr river belongs to the I class and to the I category – excellent water. In the second block of substances the best value has a pH-value in obedience to that water of the river belong to the I class and to I category – excellent water. The worst value has an index of content of phosphates, where the water quality of the river belongs to V of class – very bad and VII category – very dirty. In the third block there are the best indexes quality of water, which belongs to the I class and the 1 category and it is estimated as excellent. The worst indexes belongs to the IV of class – bad and VI category – dirty. Conclusions. The nutrients content and the potassium content determines the state of the small river Cir as very bad, dirty. It is recommended to monitor the dynamics of water quality changes in the river Tsir.


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Modern Geographic and Ecological Environment Research