Ecological consequences of antropogenous pollution of aquatic landscapes


  • А. М. Крайнюкова Research institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems», Ukraine
  • В. Д. Тімченко Research institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems», Ukraine


reverse water, bioassay method, toxic properties, environmental impact, water ecosystem, violations of the structure, biological productivity, self-purification capacity


The issue of the ecological consequences of anthropogenic pollution of surface water is effectively addressed in the EU countries within the framework of the implementation of the provisions of Directive 2004/35 / EC. In particular, the following indicators are recommended for the assessment of the ecological consequences of pollution of aquatic landscapes and the degree of disturbance of the properties of the aquatic ecosystem: the presence and condition of the dominant species of aquatic organisms, their biomass, the distribution area, the ability to reproduce, the provision of favorable living conditions, etc. Purpose. Ecotoxicological studies effects of anthropogenic pollution of aquatic landscapes reverse water enterprises in various industries located in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Methods. Bioassay techniques for algae, crustaceans and fishes. Results. Shown that the return water 11 companies out of 14 have done used a toxic effect on the test - organisms. The most toxic water appeared to reverse JSC "Evraz - Dnieper Metallurgical Factory". Based on the assessment of the impact of reverse water discharges on the quality of surface water, it has been established that the damaging factor of the aquatic ecosystem of the rivers Dnipro, Saksagan, Ingulets, Bokovenko and Sukhiy Chortomlyk, in which toxic back water (toxicity classes II and III) is discharged, is from 1.2 and 1,3, respectively. Such a degree of damage is characterized by a violation of the structure of the aquatic ecosystem, the nature of its functioning, a decrease in bio-productivity and self-purifying water capacity.Conclusions. As a result of the discharge of surface water toxic wastewaters disturbed structure and the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, and reduced productivity in its self-cleaning ability.

Author Biography

А. М. Крайнюкова, Research institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems»

д-р біол. наук, проф.


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