Assessment of soil pollution with heavy metals (Utiliazing GIS)


  • А. I. Волков Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine


soil, pollution, heavy metals, geographical informational system, cluster analysis, Zhitomirsky region


Anthropogenic violations of soil cover lead to serious problems and the degradation of the entire natural complex, which in the end poses a threat to human health and life. Purpose. To analyze the area around company ‘Budazot’ (Zhitomirska region, Ukraine) by soil contamination with heavy metals . Methods. The author used QGIS spatial analysis tools and methods of multidimensional statistical analysis (klaster analysis). Results. The soil samples were analyzed in four directions of winds at a distance of 1 km, 2.5 km, 5 km, 10 km at a depth of 20 cm. The main pollutants are: Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd and Hg. For the interpolation of the concentration fields of these substances, a QGIS interpolation module was used. To obtain an integral picture representing the distribution of soil contamination around the enterprise, it is necessary to form a vector value X that will allow zoning the territory with the use of the cluster analysis algorithm. The area which surrounds company “Budazot” (Zhitomirskiy region, Ukraine) has been assessed. The analysis of soil pollution with heavy metals has been performed for area in question. The initial data concerning soil pollution has been arranged and spatial database designed. There has been developed geographical informational system which was used for zoning area surrounding company “Budazot” with heavy metal pollution. The received bank of spatial data, on the basis of soil sampling analysis, can be updated and used by the company management to further control the pollution of the environment by heavy metals. Conclusion. Soil contamination is spread due to air transfer, since according to the wind rope in this area there is mainly a south-easterly direction of the wind, which requires the construction of additional structures in the places of overloading of the cliffsThe areas with higher level of soil contamination with heavy metals have been revealed.

Author Biography

А. I. Волков, Odessa State Environmental University

канд. геогр. наук, доц.


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